

Communicate with Japan


TranslAsian can help you communicating with the Japanese. We can help you "survive" by explaining the language as well as the social codes.
TranslAsian can accompany you on your mission to Japan. We can help you "survive" in Japan by explaining the language as well as the social codes.

Visiting Japan

In Japan we can tour along the most famous places (Kyoto, Nara etc.), or we can take any itinary you wish to follow. organised in spring 2003. (Kyoto, Atsumi-peninsula, Shizuoka and Tokyo)
TranslAsian has a lot of experience guiding tours for business or holiday to Japan. We organize, after your flight to Japan with the JAL, the following trips:

- Kyoto, Nara en Tokyo Visit the most famous Japanese places. Japanese Tea-trip In search of the roots of green tea, cultivation, preparation, visit Teamuseum (Shizuoka).
- Japanese gardentrip. Visit the most famous gardens in Kyoto and surroundings
- Huis ten Bosch and Nagasaki. Visit the Dutch themeparc on Kyushu and the old Dutch tradepost Deshima.
- Japanese Pelgimage (henro on Shikoku.)
A walk with Kobo Daishi...


Translating Japanese is a special art.
"All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any without written permission from manner whatever."
Ehh? This is written in very large letters on page 4 of the book "Unreleased Films" (Nae Yuki).

Studying Japanese

Study Japanese by yourself:

Kanji and kana

TranslAsian.... for better communication with Japan